Tuesday, May 24, 2011

VIDEO: Stand with Carmen - Sign our petition to Chevron now!

Carmen Zambrano is one of the 30,000 men, women and children of the Ecuadorian Amazon who continue to suffer the disastrous effects of Chevron's greedy, reckless and polluting oil operations.

Carmen's suffering and that of her family has transformed her from a quiet and reserved mother into an unlikely – and courageous – community leader speaking out for all those struggling to survive amidst Chevron's widespread oil contamination.

Carmen traveled outside Ecuador for the first time last week, coming to the United States to press Chevron to take responsibility for the poisons the company has abandoned in her rainforest home.

At Chevron's shareholder meeting tomorrow we want to deliver a petition with 30,000 signatures – a signature from a supporter like you, standing up for each of the 30,000 people in the Ecuadorian Amazon demanding justice from the oil giant.

As I write this we have 20,000 signatures and need 10,000 more to reach our goal.

Please sign our petition now in solidarity with Carmen and the other mothers who fight for a healthy and jhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifust future for their children.

– Han

Han Shan is Coordinator of Amazon Watch's Clean Up Ecuador Campaign

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