Saturday, April 17, 2010

Confidential Whistleblower Hotline to Report Chevron Corruption in Ecuador

In light of recent shocking revelations about longtime Chevron contractor Diego Borja, Amazon Watch and our allies at Rainforest Action Network are launching a confidential hotline for Chevron employees and others with pertinent information to report ‘suspect’ activities by the oil giant.

This Chevron whistleblower hotline is toll-free and confidential. 1-877-844-4114 or email

A confidential Spanish-language hotline is also being established in Ecuador. We hope Chevron employees and contractors, who worked in the oil pits and witnessed first hand the fraudulent “remediation” of the toxic oil pits for which Chevron is responsible, will come forward. Additionally, anyone with information about Chevron's attempts to corrupt the judicial process in Ecuador is encouraged to use the confidential hotline or email.

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