Versatile activist Nick Magel – who has worked closely with both Amazon Watch and our friends at Rainforest Action Network – wrote a great update for the Change Chevron blog, giving a nice overview of today's activities, along with a photo diary with powerful pictures from RAN's Jonathan Mcintosh:
Today Emergildo Criollo, an Indigenous leader from who traveled from his community in Ecuador, attempted to deliver an appeal letter to Chevron CEO James Watson from the Cofan, Siona, Secoya Indigenous Nations, and the Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia. In addition Emergildo carried with him the names of over 325,000 people who have signed the petition calling for Chevron to clean up their toxic mess in the Ecuadorean rainforest that has impacted over 30,000 community members.
Emergildo Criollo attempted to deliver the letters to John Watson’s home in Lafayette, the oil giant’s headquarters in San Ramon, and its San Francisco office. Additionally, Chevron board members around the country received personalized deliveries of the message, accompanied by photographs of some of the 30,000 Ecuadorean people affected by the 18 billion gallons of toxic oil waste Chevron refuses to clean up. On top of all that RAN and Amazon Watch supporters flooded the Chevron phone lines with messages of solidarity with the Ecuadorean communities. If you’d like to give them a call please do- (925) 842-1000.
Below are some of Emergildo’s words on the day and a photo journal of the events.
Emergildo Criollo, Mitch Anderson of Amazon Watch, and Maria Lya Ramos of RAN, walk up Happy Valley Rd to Chevron CEO John Watson’s house in Lafayette CA.
Emergildo Criollo traveled from the Ecuador rainforest. John Watson would not answer at his house.
Emergildo, Mitch, and Maria outside Chevron CEO John Watson’s house. (I doubt there are any unlined crude pits in his backyard)
We filled a huge bus with folks supporting Emergildo and the 30,000 Ecuadoreans impacted by Chevron’s mess. Here we are on our way from John Watson’s house to Chevron world headquarters in San Ramon, CA. Most people on the phones were calling Chevron switchboards demanding for justice in Ecuador.
Arriving at the gates of the Chevron complex. Emergildo is prepared to deliver an appeal letter on behalf of the Cofan, Siona, Secoya Indigenous Nations, and the Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia in addition to a 325,000 person petition to CEO John Watson.
Walking into the Chevron World Headquarters.
Emergildo Criollo and Maria Lya Ramos are met by Gary Fisher, General Manager, Corporate Public Policy and Don Campbell manager of external communications for Chevron.
Supporters gathered outside Chevron’s Headquarters in solidarity with the 30,000 community members in Ecuador living with Chevron’s toxic legacy.
Supporters gathering outside Chevron World Headquarters
Emergildo and everyone from today’s delivery, after leaving Chevron World Headquarters. “We’ll be back until you clean up your mess in Ecuador”
“I have come to the home of Chevron to tell our story – how our women and children are sick and dying from Chevron’s contamination. We want what anyone would — to be healthy and happy, to have clean water and good food to eat, shelter and dignity,” said Emergildo Criollo. “Chevron robbed us of our livelihoods many years ago, and I am here on behalf of thousands of brothers and sisters to demand that Chevron take responsibility for their actions and clean up our rivers and forests – our homes.”
Thank you for sharing your story, I agree that this is an injustice. I will host a screening of the Crude documentary here in Mexico to support you. What is needed to 'clean the mess' exactly? Scientifically, how can the rivers and forests be cleaned of these toxic wastes? How can petroleum be processed in a safe way? Is it possible?